Monday, August 17, 2009


打给我爸爸的秘书问他我上个月的"卡帐"... 天啊~~竟然签卡用了六千多.... 怎么爸爸都没有念我呢??? 真的觉得自己太过分了啦!!! 还没学会赚钱,就一直用个不停... 而且买东西从来都不看价钱.... 喜欢的东西不用考虑就买... 真的要改掉这个坏习惯了啦... 我上个月才shopping一两次而已啊~ 真的要控制自己了~ 减少买名牌.... 买pasar malam货就行了啦!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009


开心只是短暂的吗??? 过的好无聊..... 希望可以快点开学啦.... 那我就不会那么闷了... 但又有点害怕.... 因为下个学期会难一些... 本来打算出国玩的.... 怎知道H1N1越来越严重了.... 本来不在乎的... 搞得我都有点怕&担心了... 只好呆在家里"发霉"咯... 每天天亮才睡.... 下午起身.... 吃早餐+午餐.... 看戏....上网..... 吃晚餐.... 继续看戏...上网..... 哇..... 真的超无聊咧~~ 就快疯了.... 有点想念读书的日子 =) 不可思议吧??嘻嘻

Thursday, August 6, 2009


went to klcc til leg also pain more energy to walk... i had my dinner at "the apartment".... the restaurant inside klcc. when i order my food..i saw someone look alike him walking into the restaurant,n i just saw his side im not sure issit him..and i dont think he will come to find me as he told me he is busy with his work bla bla bla... but when i c clearly..... omg!!is him!!!UNBELIEVABLE!!! he smile at me and came to sit beside me.... i was jz get shock n laughing non-stop there.... jz like a so po.... im so happy tat he suddenly appear infront of me without telling me... (= **a happy day** =)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

